Import Errors

When importing a distribution engine file into your org, a number of errors can be encountered. Below are a number of common errors and the solutions to remedy them:



Fields that are required by the team cannot be found in this org

The distributors for the imported team are referencing fields on the distribution object which are not present on the org. Ensure that the fields are added to the object in Salesforce.

Users in this team or in use by distributors cannot be resolved to a unique user in this org

As Salesforce users are not able to be migrated between orgs, Distribution Engine matches team members based on their Salesforce user's name and email address.

This error means that we were unable to exactly match all members of the team being imported. To resolve this:

  • Ensure that the users who are part of the team in the import file exist on the org.
  • Ensure that only one Salesforce user exists for each name/ email address of team members.


Queues in this team or in use by distributors cannot be resolved to a unique queue in this org

As Salesforce queues are not able to be migrated between orgs, Distribution Engine matches queues based on name and object type.

This error means we were unable to reference one or more queues referenced by the team. To resolve this:

  • Ensure that all queues referenced by the team have the same name on the importing org and are enabled for the right objects.
  • Ensure that no other queues share names with the queues referenced by the team.

This import contains distributors with duplicate names. Distributor names must be unique.

Return to the originating org and ensure that all of the distributors within the team have unique names. Repeat the export of the team and import again.

Tag collections and/or values used by this team cannot be found in this org

Tag collections (or tags within those collections) are referenced in the import, which do not exist on the importing org. To solve this, export the tag collection from the originating org and import it to the org where you are trying to import this team.

This import would cause the team/tag collection to have more than the allowed # team members/distributors/tags

Ensure that you are not exceeding any of the team member/distributor/tag limits. Remove any unused team members or distributors that are not in the import.

This team requires # more licenses to be imported

You do not have enough Distribution Engine licenses on your org to support the additional team members. Please contact support to add the licenses required.

How did we do?

Export & Import

Trigger Settings
