Post Assignment

When Distribution Engine assigns records it will update the record to set the new owner. In addition it can perform a field update and send an Email notification. This page also allows you to enable and disable object sync for a team.

Distributor Settings

Update field on assignment

Updating fields on assignment is available on the Advanced & Ultimate Tiers. Learn more

You can choose up to three fields to be update on assignment of a record by a distributor. E.g. set a status field to a value of assigned.  

Email notification

Choose to send an Email on assignment of a record by a distributor. Make sure the Email notification workflow has been enabled in your org for these to be sent. 


Pre-defined field updates

Its useful to be aware that for standard objects  (Lead, Contact, Opportunity, Account, Task, Case) Distribution Engine will automatically set the following fields on assignment. You can add these fields to your page layouts or Salesforce reports.

  • Is distributed - set to true on assignment
  • Date last distributed - set to the assignment time
  • Distribution count - incremented on every assignment (records that fail SLAs and are auto-reassigned can be assigned multiple times)


Object Sync

This feature is available on the Unlimited Tier. Learn more

The object sync feature is enabled and disabled for teams from this tab. This page has more information about Object Sync.

When one or more active object sync actions exist for the object that a team distributes, that team may enable object sync. This will cause any of the defined child objects related to an object that is distributed within this team to be updated to be owned by the new assignee.

On the object sync tab, you can see all active actions defined for the current distribution object.  You can enable object sync by pressing the toggle button on the page.

How did we do?

Assignment Rejection

Stamp Rejection
