Distributor Types

There are 4 types of distributor – standard, trigger, pull and manual. For most situations standard is the most powerful and best choice. The differences are covered below.



Distributor types



Push / pull

How do they run


Standard distributors

Push assignments to users as soon as possible. Simple and robust method of assignment which allows for retrying records until a team member is online or within their caps. 


By default they run using Salesforce queueable jobs that run approximately every minute depending on your org *

Learn more about standard distributors.

Pull distributors

Users perform a "blind pull" by clicking a button to request extra work.


When a user clicks the pull button on the widget

Learn more about pull distributors.

Manual distributors

Manager can select a team member to assign the record to, useful for instances where the manager knows who should get a specific record or when it's been assigned to a person that wasn't expecting it and it needs to be reassigned.


When the team manager selects the team member who should receive the record from the option within the record detail component.

Learn more about manual distributors.

Trigger distributors

Push assignments to users as soon as a trigger is fired. Slightly quicker than standard distributors but fewer features, no retry capability and requires careful setup of permissions.


Fired by setting a "Trigger enabled" flag on the record. 

Learn more about trigger distributors.


* There are various possible processing modes including queueable, batch and "automatic" which switches between the job types depending on the load. Learn more about Distribution Engine Processing Mode


How did we do?

Distributors Introduction

Standard Distributor Settings
