Trigger Distributor Settings

This feature is available on the Unlimited Tier. Learn more

The vast majority of assigning scenarios in Distribution Engine will be best suited to standard distributors, these are the most powerful and scalable form of distribution. However, there are cases when the immediate assignment of records is required. For low volume, high speed assignments utilize trigger distribution.

  • By default Leads / Opportunities / Cases can be picked up by Trigger distributors using the Trigger Enabled field. However, you can add triggers for other objects from the Trigger Settings page.
  • Trigger distributors can only be created when defined on the Trigger Settings page and when the "Process Trigger Distributors in Triggers and API calls" toggle is enabled.
  • Triggers are only available on record update (not insert).
  • Trigger distributions require the Distribution Engine scheduler to be enabled.

Distributor settings page

From here you can edit, clone or delete a distributor. You can also access the distributor test tool and see recent distributions.



Trigger distributor settings

Distributor settings are grouped by the method - how records will be assigned, the source - what records are assigned and the team member filter - who are we assigning to.

  • Distributor Name - pick a name for this rule. We recommend short names for ease of reading.
  • Description - A short description of the distributor, used throughout the app to identify it.


  • Method - select the distribution algorithm for this distributor. These are described here - Distribution algorithms.
  • Default owner - where the trigger cannot assign to the chosen team member for some reason it can optionally fall back to assigning to a default queue or user.


  • Field-based filter - filter the records being selected for distribution by a field value (e.g. only hot leads or only P1 cases). More on filters here - Queue filters.
    • Limited to five for performance reliability.
  • Campaign-based filter - filter the records being selected for distribution by the Salesforce campaigns they are in (only for leads and contacts).


  • Assign if user is unavailable - if checked, records will assign regardless of team member availability (Out of Office, distribution hours, widget toggle).
  • Assign if user is offline in widget - if checked, records will assign when a team member is toggled offline but not when Out of Office or outside Distribution Hours.

Team member filter

  • Determine who in this team is eligible to receive assignments from this distributor.
    • All team (anyone in the team can receive assignments from this distributor).
    • Selected members (only selected team members can can receive assignments from this distributor).
    • By tags (team members will be selected based on the tags they hold). Learn more about distributor team member filters.
  • Dynamic tags are the recommended approach for simplifying distribution logic. 

Firing trigger distributors

The Distribution Engine package includes 2 custom fields on your Lead, Opportunity and Case objects. By default these will be used for Trigger Distribution, but this can be changed from the Trigger Settings page.

  • Trigger Enabled (n2de__Is_trigger_enabled__c) - Checking this field flags it to be distributed by the engine. Any leads / cases without this checkbox enabled will remain untouched. 
  • Is Triggered (n2de__Is_triggered__c) - This checkbox will be enabled once the Distribution Engine trigger has completed assignment of the Lead / Case. 

To fire the trigger you need to check the trigger enabled checkbox and save to update the record and fire the trigger. 

Respecting Shift Hours

By default, trigger distributors will always assign regardless of your team or team member hours. This can be changed on the team settings page (Respect Distribution hours for triggers). This setting does not affect the default owner user / queue. 



How did we do?

Pull Distributor Settings

Manual Distributor Settings
