Capping by Tags

Damian Green-Moore Updated by Damian Green-Moore

In some cases you may want different caps across the team for each individual or groups of individuals. This feature is available by using tags to designate the capping and then assigning the tags to your users.

To get started you will first want to set up your tag collection and tags and then assign those tags to your team members.

Once you have configured your tagging, you will then configure your capping.

  • From a distribution team, select Weighting and caps
  • Click Team-level caps from the top tab choices
  • Choose your Tag collection from the drop down
  • Set your default cap
  • Set caps for each of the tags you'd like to use from your tag collection.
  • Save.

In this example we have a tag collection named Capping Tags with the tags New Hire, Junior, and Senior. We assigned the daily cap of 1 to New Hire, Daily cap of 5 to Junior, and did not assign a cap to Senrior. This means any reps without the New Hire or Junior tag assigned to them, will have an unlimited Daily cap.

How did we do?


