Booking Engine - Purchasing FAQ

Charlie Jenkins Updated by Charlie Jenkins

Who needs licenses?

Booking Engine licenses are required for Organisers, Hosts and Admins. That is, anyone who wants to book meetings on behalf of a colleague, anyone who is having meetings booked on their behalf, and those configuring Booking Engine.

I've got users who are nothing to do with Booking Engine. Does my entire org need licenses?

Only users who are organising/hosting bookings or configuring Booking Engine need licenses. 

Can I pay quarterly / monthly?

Unfortunately not. We only have annual billing plans.

Is there a minimum order?

Yes, we have a minimum order of five licenses.

Can I add additional users during the year?

Yes, you can add additional licenses whenever you like. These will be added pro-rata to your additional agreement (e.g. if you have 6 months remaining we will charge the extra licenses for six months). At renewal time all the licences will be renewed in a single agreement.

How long will it take to get extra licenses activated?

We will provide your new license within one business day of request and then follow up with the invoice.

We do not have an in-house legal team so please contact us before requesting any changes. Our default position is no. Unless the deal size is enough to warrant the legal expense we cannot offer custom agreements.

How did we do?
