Sources Console

This feature is available on the Advanced & Unlimited Tiers. Learn more

The sources console page displays each distributor and the current depth of their source. This will show how many records in total are available in the source, and how many of those are able to be distributed by the shown distributor. This can be used to monitor the pipeline of records.




Team -  The team that the distributor belongs to. Click the name to navigate to the team.

Order - The distribution order of the distributor. I.e. When Distribution Engine is run, the order in which the distributors are evaluated.

Distributor - The distributor that will assign records. Click the name to navigate to the distributor.

Object - The type of record being distributed.

Source - The name of the source that the records are taken from for the distributor. Sources can be Queues, Users, or field configurations. For more information on sources, click here.

Available - The number of records that are available to the distributor, once classification is complete (If appropriate) and team, distribution and campaign filters are accounted for.

On Hold - The number of records in the source for that distributor that have been placed on hold due to errors in distribution. For more information about on hold records, click here.



Each distributor has a number of actions available to it from the row menu.

Test - You are able to launch the Test Tool for each distributor, with this you can see whether the distributor can assign a specified record.

Recent - Displays recent assignments from this distributor.

Preview  -  Allows you to view a list of available records for that distributor from the source.

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