Assignment Rejection

This feature allows reps or managers to reject assignments and receive a replacement.

The team member who rejects an assignment can receive an extra (replacement) assignment when they are next scheduled to receive an assignment, depending on the setting of Replace rejected records.  This means other team members may receive assignments before the team member who rejected the assignment.

Enabling Assignment Rejection

Assignment rejection is enabled from a team's Assignment rejection page. Once enabled, rejections are limited on the team-level rejection settings and distributor-level settings allow you to configure the rejection behavior for each distributor.

Team level settings



  • Daily assignment rejection limit: 
    • Unlimited - no limits on how many assignments can be rejected.
    • Manager only - rejections are only possible by users with Distribution Engine system manager or admin permission set.
    • Limited - set a fixed number of rejections per day, per user.
Stamp Rejection

Stamp rejection allows rejection behaviors to be determined by the Stamps applied to the record by Custom Classification. For more information on the team level settings for Stamp Rejection see this article.

Distributor-level rejection settings

Standard Rejection

When using standard rejection, the Distributor-level page will display the following for each distributor:

  • Enable assignment rejection - Determine if rejections are allowed. 
  • Reject to - Select the queue or user that the record will go into upon rejection.
  • Update Field on Rejection - Optionally update up to three fields on the record when it's rejected.
  • Replace rejected records - This option determines whether Distribution Engine will attempt to offer substitute assignments after an assignment is rejected.
    • For Round Robin Distributors this field will have three options:
      • Replace on usual assignment - This will replace the rejected record when the user is next due to receive an assignment
      • Replace as next assignment - This will replace the rejected record as the next assignment from the distributor
      • Don’t replace  - The rejected record will not be replaced. Note this option is unavailable for Stamp based rejection as this is handled by the stamp configuration.
    • For other Distributors this field will be a checkbox. Note non-round robin distributors will not be able to set this option when using Stamp based rejection as this is handled by the stamp configuration.
      • Checked - Replace on usual assignment - This will replace the rejected record when the user is next due to receive an assignment
      • Unchecked - Don’t replace - The rejected record will not be replaced
  • Remove sticky from rejected records - When sticky assignment is enabled there are three options available on how to handle sticky matches when the assignment is rejected:
    • New sticky only - If that assignment creates a new sticky match log, the log will be removed.
    • Always - Any existing sticky match logs are removed, including ones created before the rejected assignment.
    • Never - Existing sticky match logs are not removed, including the one created by the rejected assignment.

By default, the rejection reason is a text field. You can change this to a picklist field on the Distribution Settings tab. 

Rejecting Assignments as a Manager or User

Both users and managers have the ability to reject assignments depending on the permission sets assigned to them. Managers have the ability to reject assignments on a users behalf, but users will only be able to reject their own assignments.

Record Detail Component - Click the reject button at the bottom of the component.

Distribution Engine Logs - Click the reject button on the row menu on the appropriate record.:


Assignment rejection will not be available if the owner is changed after assignment or if the record assignment resulted in an error.

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