
Charlie Jenkins Updated by Charlie Jenkins

The Llama release of Distribution Engine introduces two powerful new features that bring customization to the forefront. With Custom Permissions, you have unparalleled control over how your team managers interact with the application, allowing you to define access levels and permissions based on your specific requirements. Additionally, Custom Classification enhances the Classifier functionality, enabling you to classify incoming records in a way that best aligns with your business needs. These exciting additions, along with other quality-of-life enhancements, ensure Distribution Engine delivers on both best practices and your bespoke needs

Install Instructions

Main Features





Custom Classification

Custom Classification allows the classifier to categorize and stamp incoming records according to criteria defined by your business needs, for example to stamp records as High, Medium or Low value. These stamps can then be used downstream in distributors to filter records or even assign specific types of records to specific reps. Click here to learn more about Custom Classification.


Custom Permissions

We understand that our permission sets don't always match exactly with your business needs, that's why we've introduced the new Distribution Engine Custom Team Manager permission set. The permissions editor is designed to be easy to use and allows you to determine which areas of the application users can access, what they can view in read-only mode, and what they can edit, create, or delete. To find out more about Custom Permissions, click here.


Out of Office & Shift Assignment APIs

Our API suite has been expanded to allow you to create and delete out of office events for your team members, as well as to assign them to shifts. These enhancements allow you to create custom automations and integrations within Salesforce. Learn about our new API methods here: Out of Office, Shift Assignment.

Object Sync

Object Sync Frequency

This new enhancement means that Object Sync can now synchronize owners for the children of an assigned record as frequently as every 15 minutes, perfect for higher-speed operations. To learn about Object Sync, click here.


Other Improvements




Our UI has been enhanced across the entire application to allow the opening of all links within the application as a new browser tab.


Change history has now been added to the Distributor list.


Assign by Status has been renamed to 'Assign by Field Value' to improve clarity.


Additional negative operators have been added to the classifier, team and distributor filters. These are the inverse of existing operators, such as 'not in' and 'does not contain'.


Exports can optionally exclude team members. This can be useful when you're moving between orgs that do not have synchronized users.


Dynamic tags can now reference numerical fields as part of their filter criteria. Note that decimal places must match exactly.


Queueable Jobs, such as the Classifier and Queueable, Automatic and Parallel processing modes can now have a frequency set. Note that this overrides any existing org-level Salesforce delay.

Time to Action

Time to action calculations have been improved for increased precision.


Custom Date/Time SLAs have been added, which allow you to reference a date/time field on the distributed record to define the deadline for an SLA.


User Availability Toggle API is now invokable from Salesforce flows.


Users can now define the default post code/zip processing region, for records without country data.


Pull, Manual and Trigger distributors can now be counted towards team-level round robin assignments.


Teams can now have up to 50 named managers.


Defects Resolved




Distributors with team filters containing only deleted users, or no users at all, will now not distribute, rather than distribute across the entire team.


Fixed an issue with team-level sticky being unable to be updated due to other recently deleted distributors.


Fixed an issue where team managers, who were team members in other teams, did not see all their logs correctly.


Fixed a missing Name value in the logs for trigger distributions.


Lead-to-Person Account matching will detect matching rules correctly and display the matching person account in the logs.


Fixed an issue where the classifier could be enabled when no territories were defined.

Tag Filters

Fixed an issue with the 'includes' operator that would cause multiple selection pick lists to be evaluated incorrectly.

Team History

Fixed an issue where team history would display null when respect distribution hours were set to team and team member

Load Balancing

Fixed an issue with uneven distributions from load balancing when changing from another type of distribution.

Field updates

Selecting fields with the same name as Distribution Engine fields causes incorrect updates due to how Salesforce functions, therefore fields with the same name are no longer able to be selected.

Patch Releases




  • Fixed an issue where the test tool would show offline members as available for assignment when they match a team member filter.
  • When team manager access is enabled on a team, admin users were not able to see those members on the tag assignment page, this has been resolved.
  • With tracked assignees, if there is only one available assignee, that member should still receive the assignment. This now takes into account all tag filters.
  • Fixed an issue with invalid record URLs in assignment notification emails.
  • Changed the handling of platform cache so that it no longer causes a failure when running unit tests that trigger territory processing with SeeAllData=true


  • After the classic widget automatically refreshed after 10 minutes it would not reload correctly and result in and actions afterwards not function, this has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in the shift planner that caused changes to not save correctly when the browser timezone was after UTC.
  • Improved handling of SLA alerts to avoid changes made by action tracking being overwritten by changes in the SLA monitoring job if running at the same time.
  • Improved handling of errors in de-duplication which meant that in some cases when multiple issues occurred in a row an exception was thrown preventing changes being saved.
  • Fixed an issue in the shift planner house keeping job that could cause it to get stuck and therefore not process other house keeping tasks.
  • Improved health checker checks for failed object sync jobs as it was incorrectly reporting failures when there wasn't any.


  •  Queueable jobs stuck in a Processing state will now be automatically aborted by Health Checker.
  • When cloning a territory map a new tag collection for the new map is now created, rather than updating the tag collection of the map that was cloned 
  • Users without a Distribution Engine Permission Set can initiate trigger distribution


  • In parallel processing mode, improved recovery from situation where records are stuck in a pending assignment state
  • Fixed issue on weighting page where distributor-level settings were shown on page load at the bottom of the page
  • Improved health checker checks for long running SLA processing jobs
  • Ensure that the name field used for the Order object is Order Number
  • Improved query in auto-conversion housekeeping to try and avoid query timeouts


  • Fixed link that meant the "click here for more information" link in the assignment simulator results went to a page that could not be found

How did we do?

Koala Upgrade Process

Llama Upgrade Process
