Getting Started
Widget & Inline Page
Classic - Distribution Engine Inline Page
Lightning - Distribution Engine Record Detail
Widget - Introduction
Adding Widget to a Lightning App
Adding Widget to a Lightning Page
Adding Widget to Salesforce Mobile
Adding Widget to a Classic Console
Adding Widget to Classic Homepage
Changing the Widget logout reason list
Distributor Test Tool (Legacy)
Before you Begin
Installation Overview
Whats in the Package
Installation Process
Managed Package Licences
Page Layouts
Leaving A Review
Upgrading Distribution Engine
Configure Distribution Engine
Distribution Classifier
Territories Introduction
Create a Map
Import Territories
Territory Map Zoom Levels
Object Settings
Detecting Territories
Territory Settings
Territories - Technical Details
Territory Distributor
Lead Matching
Lead Matching - Introduction
Duplicate Rule Setup
Related Owner - Lead Matching
Lead matching vs lookup owner
Classifier Lead Matching Setup
Lead to Account/Contact/Lead Settings
Custom Classification
Custom Classification - Introduction
Stamp Groups
Custom Classification - Synchronized Tag Collections
Lead Auto-Conversion
Lead Auto-Conversion - Introduction
Lead De-Duplication
Lead Conversion
Configuring Auto-Conversion
Auto-Conversion Rules
Distribution Classifier - Introduction
Delay Filters
Distribution Teams
Distribution Methods
Distribution Methods - Introduction
Lookup Owner
Load Balancing
Round Robin
Related Owner
Sticky Assignment
Distributors Introduction
Distributor Types
Standard Distributor Settings
Pull Distributor Settings
Trigger Distributor Settings
Manual Distributor Settings
Distributor Sources
Distributing from a Designated User
Distributor Filters
Distributor Team Member Filters
Distributor Sort Order
Advanced Filter Mode
Distributor Test Tool
Weighting and Caps
Distribution Hours
Tracking & SLAs
Team Settings
Distribution Teams Introduction
Distribution Assignment Process view
Team Summary
Team Members
Team Availability
Team Performance
Assignment Rejection
Post Assignment
Stamp Rejection
Distribution Tags
Distribution Availability
Distribution Availability
Shift Hours
Out of Office
Distribution Holidays
Holiday Regions
Regional Holidays
User Availability Toggle
Distribution Settings
Distribution Settings
Calendar Integration
Advanced Settings
Distribution Engine Running User
Licensed users list
Export & Import
Import Errors
Trigger Settings
Email Notifications
Email Notifications - Introduction
Custom Email Notifications
Disabling Standard Email Notifications
Customising the Email Template
Disabling Custom Email Notifications
From Email Address
Email Notification as Flow
Assignment Simulator
Assignment Simulator - Introduction
Configure Assignment Simulation
Assignment Simulator Result Explorer
Q2Q teams
Integrating power dialer
Auto archive feature
Uploading tags via dataloader
Salesforce Mobile
Tuning Distribution Engine
Setup Introduction
Queue Basics
Distribution Sync
Distribution Console
Console Introduction
Application Monitoring
Today's Distributions
Sources Console
Availability Calendar
Distribution Logs
Distribution Logs
Distribution Logs List
Territories Logs List
Lead Matching Logs List
Custom Classification Log List
Auto-Conversion Logs List
Object Sync Logs List
Scheduler Logs List
Archive Logs List
Exporting Log Data
Distribution Analytics
Distribution Engine Details Object
Distribution Engine Dashboard
Salesforce Reports
Reports - Leads and Distribution Logs
Change History
Setup Examples
Skill Based Matching
Assigning Contacts - Pairing SDRs and AEs
Delaying Distribution
Enforce Cap for Manually Assigned Records
Criteria Caps
Salesforce Admins
Workflow Rule Examples
Formula Examples
Domain Formula
Timezone Bucket Formula
Has Activity Formula
Territory Formula
Age Formula
Distribution Engine Details Formula
id Field to Text
Flow Examples
Chatter Notifications
Slack Notifications
Desktop or Mobile Notifications
Custom Assignment Rejection
Classify on Address Change
Assign on Action
Process Builder Examples
Process Builder - Avoiding Clashes
Opportunity Assignment - Updating Related Accounts & Contacts
Rejection API Process
Assign License and Permission Set on Team Member Addition
Assign License on Team Member Addition
Tasks on Record Assignment by Distribution Engine
Information for New Admins
Validation Rules
Apex API
Availability API
Classifier API
Out of Office API
Tags API
Team Members API
DE Apex API Introduction
Rejection API
System API
Trigger Distribution API
Apex Trigger Examples
Omni-Channel Presence Integration
Salesforce Presence Integration
Invalid Email trigger
Custom Triggers
Visualforce Examples
Warnings and Errors
Health Checker Messages
Scheduler Restarted
Distributor Failures - Records on Hold
Assignment Errors
Classifier Errors
Apex CPU time limit exceeded
Timeout when deleting a Team Member or Distributor
Records Stuck / Not Being Assigned
Previous Releases
Dragon beta release - install guide
Eagle upgrade process
Gorilla Upgrade Process
Hummingbird Upgrade Process
Impala Upgrade Process
Jellyfish Upgrade Process
Koala Upgrade Process
Llama Upgrade Process
Meerkat Upgrade Process
Upgrade Links
Introducing Nightingale!
Nightingale Release Notes
Nightingale Upgrade Process
Frequently Asked Questions
Legacy Widget - New status
Distribution Engine Aborted
Alerts not Firing
Distribution Engine Delayed
Can one Distributor Assign from Multiple Queues / Users?
Can't See Distribution Engine
Distribution Engine Not Running
Manual Shutdown of Distribution Engine
Exclude members from Holidays
Distribution Engine Health Checker Restart
Dashboard Running User Error
Assignments going to wrong user
Contact Support
Grant Login Access
Purchasing Steps
Distribution Engine - Purchasing FAQ
Support Packages
Legal Agreement Details
Migrating Licences
Contact us
What Tier am I on?
Features by Tier
Latest Release
by Charlie Jenkins

The Llama release of Distribution Engine introduces two powerful new features that bring customization to the forefront. With Custom Permissions, you have unparalleled control over how your team managers interact with the application, allowing you to define access levels and permissions based on your specific requirements. Additionally, Custom Classification enhances the Classifier functionality, enabling you to classify incoming records in a way that best aligns with your business needs. These exciting additions, along with other quality-of-life enhancements, ensure Distribution Engine delivers on both best practices and your bespoke needs
Main Features
Area | Name | Description |
Classifier | Custom Classification | Custom Classification allows the classifier to categorize and stamp incoming records according to criteria defined by your business needs, for example to stamp records as High, Medium or Low value. These stamps can then be used downstream in distributors to filter records or even assign specific types of records to specific reps. Click here to learn more about Custom Classification. |
Permissions | Custom Permissions | We understand that our permission sets don't always match exactly with your business needs, that's why we've introduced the new Distribution Engine Custom Team Manager permission set. The permissions editor is designed to be easy to use and allows you to determine which areas of the application users can access, what they can view in read-only mode, and what they can edit, create, or delete. To find out more about Custom Permissions, click here. |
API | Out of Office & Shift Assignment APIs | Our API suite has been expanded to allow you to create and delete out of office events for your team members, as well as to assign them to shifts. These enhancements allow you to create custom automations and integrations within Salesforce. Learn about our new API methods here: Out of Office, Shift Assignment. |
Object Sync | Object Sync Frequency | This new enhancement means that Object Sync can now synchronize owners for the children of an assigned record as frequently as every 15 minutes, perfect for higher-speed operations. To learn about Object Sync, click here. |
Other Improvements
Area | Description |
UI | Our UI has been enhanced across the entire application to allow the opening of all links within the application as a new browser tab. |
UI | Change history has now been added to the Distributor list. |
UI | Assign by Status has been renamed to 'Assign by Field Value' to improve clarity. |
Filters | Additional negative operators have been added to the classifier, team and distributor filters. These are the inverse of existing operators, such as 'not in' and 'does not contain'. |
Export/Import | Exports can optionally exclude team members. This can be useful when you're moving between orgs that do not have synchronized users. |
Tags | Dynamic tags can now reference numerical fields as part of their filter criteria. Note that decimal places must match exactly. |
Jobs | Queueable Jobs, such as the Classifier and Queueable, Automatic and Parallel processing modes can now have a frequency set. Note that this overrides any existing org-level Salesforce delay. |
Time to Action | Time to action calculations have been improved for increased precision. |
SLAs | Custom Date/Time SLAs have been added, which allow you to reference a date/time field on the distributed record to define the deadline for an SLA. |
API | User Availability Toggle API is now invokable from Salesforce flows. |
Classifier | Users can now define the default post code/zip processing region, for records without country data. |
Distributors | Pull, Manual and Trigger distributors can now be counted towards team-level round robin assignments. |
Teams | Teams can now have up to 50 named managers. |
Defects Resolved
Area | Description |
Distributors | Distributors with team filters containing only deleted users, or no users at all, will now not distribute, rather than distribute across the entire team. |
Distributors | Fixed an issue with team-level sticky being unable to be updated due to other recently deleted distributors. |
Logs | Fixed an issue where team managers, who were team members in other teams, did not see all their logs correctly. |
Logs | Fixed a missing Name value in the logs for trigger distributions. |
Classifier | Lead-to-Person Account matching will detect matching rules correctly and display the matching person account in the logs. |
Classifier | Fixed an issue where the classifier could be enabled when no territories were defined. |
Tag Filters | Fixed an issue with the 'includes' operator that would cause multiple selection pick lists to be evaluated incorrectly. |
Team History | Fixed an issue where team history would display null when respect distribution hours were set to team and team member |
Load Balancing | Fixed an issue with uneven distributions from load balancing when changing from another type of distribution. |
Field updates | Selecting fields with the same name as Distribution Engine fields causes incorrect updates due to how Salesforce functions, therefore fields with the same name are no longer able to be selected. |
Patch Releases
Version | Changes |
16.2 |
16.3 |
16.4 |
16.5 |
16.6 |