Distributor Filters

With no filters enabled a distributor will select from all the queued records. However there are times when you may want to be more selective. E.g. using filters you can create a round robin for a segment of hot leads or P1 cases. 

There are 2 types of record filter:

  • Field-based filter - filter the types of records e.g. LeadSource equals Web.
  • Campaign-based filter - for leads and contacts filter to only select records in specified campaigns.


Field-based filters

First we need to enable field based filtering using the toggle. Distributors with no filter enabled will select everything from the chosen source (queue / user / field value).

Creating filter rows

  • Filter rows - you can add up to 20 filter rows using the Add Row link.
  • Field - choose the field you want to filter by. The list of available fields includes both standard and custom fields.
  • Operator - select comparison type from the following. The operators available depend on the current field selected. See list of operators below.
  • Value - the value you want to match.

Using Stamp Groups

If your org is using Custom Classification then you can also use Stamp Groups in your field filters. This lets you unify some of your filter logic and perform it upfront in the classifier, so your distributor logic is simpler. In order to use a stamp group filter, select 'DE Stamp Group >' from the field selection. This will display a new picklist, allowing you to pick the stamp group you wish to filter on. You are then able to select an operator, and a stamp from the selected stamp group.

Filter logic

When there is more than 1 filter row you can choose whether to use AND, OR to group these together. By default, all rows will be grouped using AND, so if you want all rows to be required, then you do not need filter logic. If you want more control you can use OR. 

Example filter logic

  • (1 AND 2) OR 3
  • 1 OR 2 OR 3
  • (1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)




Case sensitive




field exactly matches the value.


Country equals USA


not equals

Does not match the exact value



For performance reasons try and avoid negative operators like not equals if you can. Positive operators (e.g. equals or in) are quicker to run in the database. i.e. Select what you want not what you don't want!

less than

less than the specified value (numeric or alphanumeric)


Rating less than 50


greater than

greater  than the specified value (numeric or alphanumeric) 


Rating greater than 50


greater or equal

greater than or equal to the specified value (numeric or alphanumeric)


Rating greater or equal 50



text contains the specified value


Name contains Smith


does not contain

text does not contain the specified value


Name does not contain Carter

starts with

text starts with the specified value


Name starts with John


does not start with

text does not start with the specified value


Name does not start with James

ends with

text ends with the specified value


Name ends with Smith


does not end with

text does not end with the specified value


Name does not end with Carter


picklist or text field is within a list of specified values. For picklists you can multi-select options using checkboxes, for text fields you can supply a semi-colon delimited lists of options 


State in California;Nevada;Arizona.

Use semi colon or tab when entering values (comma does not count as a delimiter)

not in

picklist or text field, is not within a list of specified values. For picklists you can multi-select options using checkboxes, for text fields you can supply a semi-colon delimited lists of options 


State not in

New York;Texas;Colorado

Use semi colon or tab when entering values (comma does not count as a delimiter)


Only available for multi-select picklists, can be any of the selected values. 




does not include

Only available for multi-select picklists, is not any of the selected values.



For performance reasons try and avoid negative operators like not equals if you can. Positive operators (e.g. equals or in) are quicker to run in the database. i.e. Select what you want not what you don't want!


Supported Field Types

The following field types on the object being assigned, and related objects, are supported:
















Performance - fast filters

  • For best performance, avoid negative operators if you can, to allow Salesforce to run fast SOQL queries using indexes. 
  • Ensure that the queue/user that distributors are looking at are kept as empty as possible. Only records that will be distributed should be there. This will optimize the speed of the query for selecting records to be distributed.

For a VERY technical deep dive on SOQL queries, check out the Salesforce Query cheat sheet here



How did we do?

Distributing from a Designated User

Distributor Team Member Filters
