Configure Distribution Engine

Distribution Classifier

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27 articles by 1 author

Distribution Teams

Teams contain team members - the people you are assigning to, and distributors - the rules to control what gets assigned. Learn how to configure them here.

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44 articles by 1 author

Distribution Tags

Distribution Tags allow you to label your team members with attributes that describe that team member and their skills. You can then use this to alter the distribution of records to consider these attributes.

Distribution Availability

You can set Distribution Engine teams to run 24 hours a day so that records are assigned whenever they arrive. Or you can control the availability of teams and team members to limit when they can receive assignments.

Distribution Settings

Distribution Engine has a number of org-wide settings. Learn about them here.

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8 articles by 1 author

Email Notifications

Distribution Engine can optionally send emails to team members on assignments, alerts or reassignments.

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7 articles by 1 author

Assignment Simulator

Learn how to test records against your configuration to find out which Team and Distributor would assign them.

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3 articles by 1 author


Information on integrations, tuning and other advanced features.

Setup Introduction

Distribution Engine setup has three areas- Distribute, Classify and Track. It is useful to understand all three but you can start with just Distribute; the others are optional. If you'd like any help…


Queue Basics

Queues are available for Lead, Case, Task and custom objects. Once set up, a Queue can own a record in Salesforce. You can see this by looking at the Owner field on a record. The screenshot below sho…



Queues are fundamental to the Distribution Engine, so it's worth spending some time thinking about these before any setup starts. Please see the Queue Basics topic to learn or recap how Queues work i…


Distribution Sync

Object Sync allows Distribution Engine to update the owner of child objects to match their parents when the parent object is assigned. For example: when assigning an Account object, Object Sync can a…

