Email Notifications

Email Notifications - Introduction

If you would like your team members to be notified when Distribution Engine assigns, alerts or reassigns then you can enable a workflow rule provided with the package. From the Setup area: Classic -…


Custom Email Notifications

The Distribution Engine package includes a standard Email notification workflow rule within the package. However, you can create your own Email notifications and use your own email templates. This is…


Disabling Standard Email Notifications

You can disable the Distribution Engine Email notifications completely by deactivating the workflow rule. You can also disable the notifications on a per distributor basis. At the team level, disabli…


Customising the Email Template

Distribution Engine comes with a standard Email template for Email notifications. If you want to customise the template, to change the style or add more fields, follow the video below..


Disabling Custom Email Notifications

If you need to disable all Email notifications you can deactive your workflow rule. You can also exclude certain teams or distributors from receiving email notifications. This is an advanced topic fo…


From Email Address

By default the Salesforce Email notification will have a from address of the user who started the Distribution Engine scheduler. You may want to change this e.g. to a generic noreply@companyname emai…


Email Notification as Flow

Distribuiton Engine comes with a default workflow for email notifications that can be used to notify team members when records are assigned, have missed the SLA, or reassigned. While Salesforce is ph…

Damian Green-Moore
Updated by Damian Green-Moore
