Distribution Settings

The Distribution Settings tab is where you start and stop the Distribution Engine scheduler. It also allows you to enable some optional Distribution Engine features. 




The Distribution Engine scheduler runs periodically to initiate your Distribution Teams and Scheduler Distributor rules. Until the scheduler is started your distributors will not assign any leads / cases from queues.

Distribution Engine

  • Distribution Engine - Click the toggle to start or stop the Distribution Engine scheduler.  Note that this will set the current user as the running user. See: Distribution Engine Running User for more information.
The frequency setting that determines how often Distribution Engine is run,  can be found on the Advanced Settings page.

Health Check

  • Notify users - Determines who will receive any notifications when the Health Checker finds issues.
    • All DE Admin - All users who have been assigned the Distribution Engine Admin permission set.
    • All DE Admins & managers - All users who have been assigned the Distribution Engine Admin or Distribution Engine System Manager permission set.
    • Select Users - Choose from a list of users assigned the Distribution Engine Admin or Distribution Engine System Manager permission set.

Logging and Archiving


  • Maintain distribution logs - Choose how long the distribution logs are stored. These are required for analytics, reports, and dashboards. The default period of retention is 1 month.
  • Maintain Classifier Logs - Choose how long the classifier logs are stored. The default period of retention is 1 month.
  • Maintain Object Sync Logs - Choose how long the object sync logs are stored for. The default period of retention is 1 month.
  • Maintain change history logs - Distribution Engine keeps an audit log of configuration changes. This setting controls how long these are kept for.


  • Archiving - Enable or disable the Distribution Engine archiving functionality. More information about Archiving can be found here
    • Archive Records older than - Set the age of records to be archived.

Track Previous Assignments

  • Track Previous Assignments - Enable or disable the tracking of previous assignees of a record.
  • Number of previous Assignees tracked - The number of team members that Distribution Engine tracks having received a specific record.  See Tracked assignees for further details.

Calendar Integration

Salesforce calendar can be synced to the Distribution Engine Out of Office calendar.

  • Salesforce Calendar integration enabled - determines whether Distribution Engine OoO entries are being created in response to Events in Salesforce.
  • Event 'Show Time As' options - used to specify which events to create Out of Office entries for based on the Events "Show Time As" setting.
    • Updates to Events will be reflected in the DE Out of Office entry.
Show time as will only work for events created after calendar integration is enabled.

Distribution Settings

Load Balancing Count

  • Pull distributions -  Load balancing distributors will count assignments that have occurred due to pull distributors.
  • Sticky assignments - Load balancing distributors will count assignments that have occurred due to sticky assignment.
  • Lookup assignments -  Load balancing distributors will count assignments that have occurred due to lookup assignments.

Team Level Round Robin

When using Team Level Round Robin, you can optionally count distributions from 'non-standard' distributors as part of the round robin order. This section of the settings allows you to enable this for each 'non-standard' distributor type. If enabled, and user recieves an assignment from the selected type of distributor, this will be counted as a round robin 'hit' and the round robin for the team will move on to the next user.

Trigger distributors are disabled by default and can be enabled by contacting NC Squared support: [email protected]

Rejection Settings

  • Reject Reasons
    • When Assignment rejection is enabled, a field to ask Team Members the reason for the rejection can be shown.  This input field allows a comma-separated list of rejection reasons to be entered, which will populate a picklist of options that can be chosen.  This list will apply to all teams and a maximum of  255 characters can be entered in this field.
  • Allow users to enter a custom reject reason - This option can be checked to allow the reject reason to be customized for each rejection.  If there is a list of values in the 'Reject Reason Options' and this option is checked; an 'Other' option is included in the picklist values that will display a text input field to be used.

User Availability Toggles

For more information on User Availability Toggles, click here.

  • User availability toggles - Determines whether the user on / off toggle is shown in the Distribution Engine widget.
  • Require toggle off reason -Requires users to select a reason when they toggle offline in the widget. This reason is capture for audit in the user activity history report.
    • Toggle Reasons - This field contains a list of the reasons that a user can select when they toggle off. This input field allows a comma-separated list of rejection reasons to be entered.  This list will populate a picklist of options that can be chosen.  This list will apply to all teams.  255 characters maximum can be entered in this field.
  • Enable Timer Toggles - If enabled, users can temporarily toggle off for a set period of time, before automatically being toggled back on. If enabled, you can provide some pre-defined times that your users can chose from.
    • Use pre-defined durations only - If enabled, users cannot select their own time for the timer toggle and can only select from the pre-defined times.
  • Toggle status at end of day - You can ensure that all users start the working day in the same toggle state, either on or off, by using the Toggle status at end of day setting.
    • Selecting 'No Change' will mean that the toggle status will be the same at the start of a working day as it was at the end of the previous working day.
    • Selecting 'Always toggle on/off' will alter all user's toggle status to on or off as appropriate at the end of their last shift on the previous working day.
  • Maintain toggle history logs  - Allows reporting on users' toggle online / offline activity from DE and determines how long to store the records up to a maximum of 3 months.

Lookup Owner

  • Lookup to Converted Leads - If enabled, all Lookup Owner distributors across the org will be able to successfully lookup to a lead that has been converted in Salesforce. If disabled, then the lookup will fail.


  • Publish platform events on assignment - Creates a platform event for each assignment. This can then be used to integrate into your own processes. Note: This will use Salesforce platform events and are therefore subject to limits based on your agreement with Salesforce.
  • Real time Widget notifications - Allows the widget to display a red dot indicator on the "New" icon, when a new assignment occurs.
Real time notifications use Salesforce platform events and are therefore subject to limits based on your agreement with Salesforce

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Calendar Integration
