Distributor Team Member Filters

You can control which team members within a team will receive specific types of assignments. For example, maybe you only want Spanish Leads going to Spanish speaking users, or maybe you want P1 cases going to senior service agents. Team member filters allow you to easily control these specializations.


Enabling team member filters

Determine who in this team is eligible to receive assignments from this distributor.

  • All team (anyone in the team can receive assignments from this distributor).
  • Selected members (only selected team members can can receive assignments from this distributor).
  • By tags (team members will be selected based on the tags they hold).
Each distributor can have a maximum of five Team member filters.

Team member tag filters

You can filter based on tags held by your team members. If you haven't already set up tags, create this first by following the Distributor tags topic. Tag based member filters will select team members based on their assigned tags. There are 3 choices with tag member filters; Static, Dynamic, and Classifier. Don't forget! Only users who are part of the team will be selected. Users holding the correct tags but who are not part of the team will be ignored.

You can add multiple tag rows. Team members must match every row criteria to be selected - AND logic is used for all rows (1 AND 2 AND 3...).


If you already know the tags you want to select on, you can specify them in the team member filter. Choose the tag collection and select the tags.

  • Includes: This will look for team members that are assigned any of the chosen tags.
  • Includes All: This will look for team members that are assigned all of the selected tags. 
  • Does Not Include: This will look for team members that don't have any of the selected tags assigned to them. 

For example using "includes" will only select team members holding the "mid level" OR "senior" tags. When the distributor runs it will find team members holding either of those tags.



Distribution Engine can look at the incoming records and find users with tags corresponding to the record being assigned. For example, to assign cases by spoken language to the relevant team member, we can link a language field on case to a language tag collection. So when a case arrives with Spanish, the engine will look for agents holding the Spanish tag, when a case arrives with French the engine will look for agents holding the French tag. This way we avoid needing multiple distributors to assign to each type of tag. Dynamic tags can use text and number fields on the object.

If using dynamic tags for numeric values, the tag value must match the number of decimal places on the number value.




Automatically assign based on tags relating to either territories or stamp groups defined in the classifier. This ensure that the record only goes to a user with the appropriate tag for the territory or stamps on the record. When selecting Classifier, you can choose whether to filter on Territories or Stamp group, if you select Stamp group, you can then select which stamp group to filter on, and whether the tags on the team member should include one of the stamps on the record, or whether it should include all stamps on the record.

Team Member Exclusion

This feature is available on the Unlimited Tier. Learn more

Distribution Engine can optionally exclude specific team members from receiving an assignment from a Distributor. This can be used, for example, to exclude team members who have a conflict of interest from working a case.

If enabled, a text or user lookup field from the Distribution Object must be selected. Distribution Engine will read this field on assignment and any user IDs in that field will be unable to receive that record as an assignment from this Distributor. In order to define multiple Team Members to be excluded, IDs should be separated with commas.

Team member exclusion is only available for round robin, load balancing and pull distributors.

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Distributor Filters

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