
To install, follow the upgrade steps here: Eagle upgrade process 








Territory classifier

DE now includes a new pre-assignment process called the classifier. The idea being to clean and classify your data before it is assigned, in order to make your DE filters and tags simpler.

The first of these classifier features is for territories. This allows you to stamp leads, contacts, opportunities, accounts and cases with a territory before they are assigned. It will clean up address data automatically and allow you to create territories from the countries, states or zipcodes. Territories can be selected on a map or by importing existing data items. 



Assign from/to other fields

We've had numerous requests to assign using other fields. This is usually to allow more than one person to be assigned a record. E.g. leave accounts with their current owners but assign a CSM using a different field. 

When setting up a team you can now choose an Assign to field which allows any user lookup field to be selected. 


Weighting on trigger distributors

Previously trigger distributors did not support weighted assignment. This is now available as an option on trigger distributors.




Action tracking on all standard objects

In addition to leads and cases, it is now possible to include action tracking on Opportunities, Contacts and Accounts. *Action tracking is not available on task / event objects.


Allow Multiple SLAs on all Standard objects

It is now possible to include up to 3 SLAs (previously known as alerts) on Opportunities, Contacts and Accounts which were previously limited to 1 SLA.  


Large team option

It is now possible to enable teams of up to 999 team members. The previous limit was 250. This is to accommodate customers wanting to load balance / round robin across larger groups. Please contact support to enable this feature.

Assignment Rejection and Reassignment

Exclude last owner

When rejecting an assignment or when an assignment has been auto-reassigned, it will not assign to the rejecting/previous owner, if they are the next in line to receive an assignment. 


Widget enhancements

Widget auto-refreshes and prevents pulling out of hours for customers without session timeouts (SSO). 

DE now performs more advanced locking on pull distributors. This resolves issues where 2 reps simultaneously pull and receive the same assignment.


Blank tags

Allow blank values to be created as tags.


Allow blank date / datetime filters

It is sometimes necessary to filter for blank values in a date field. This is now available as an option in distributor filters.


User login mode renamed toggle

User login mode was a somewhat confusing term. This has been simplified on the Settings tab to User availability toggles.



Alerts renamed SLA

Alerts were often confused with Salesforce Email alerts, and so have been renamed to SLAs in the UI to simplify.


New team available objects

Available objects have been filtered, by default, to only show objects that have an owner field. Other objects can be shown by selecting


Order Holiday list by Date of Holiday vs Created Date

On the holiday tab the order has changed to make it easier to navigate. Ordering by holiday date rather than created date.






OoO List View does not show enough years

Increased the number of years visible in the out of office tab.


Hide Team Member Filter on Lookup Owner

Lookup owner was incorrectly showing team member filter section. Team members are selected based on the lookup matching, so filters were not relevant.

How did we do?

Eagle upgrade process

