Stamp SLAs

Charlie Jenkins Updated by Charlie Jenkins

Stamp SLAs utilize the Custom Classification feature to allow for different SLA thresholds to be configured for different record types, even within a single team or distributor. They can also be used to drive different auto-reassign behavior.

Enabling Stamp SLAs

Stamp SLAs can be enabled on any team that distributes an object that there is at least one Stamp Group created for. To enable Stamp SLAs, first navigate to the Tracking and SLAs page for the team, and select the Team SLAs tab. From there, ensure that SLAs are enabled and select 'Switch to Stamp SLAs' in the top right of the screen.

Switching between stamp and standard SLA will cause you to lose some of the distributor level configuration for auto-reassign behavior.

To begin configuring the SLAs, you must select which stamp group you want to use for the SLAs. You can chose from any stamp group associated with the distributed object for that team.

SLA Configurations


Unlike standard SLAs, which have a single SLA configuration for all records, Stamp SLAs allow you to create a configuration for groups of Stamps, allowing each stamp to have separate behavior. Each configuration defines the following:

  • The stamps that it applies to - Each configuration must apply to at least one stamp from the stamp group. Each stamp can belong to only one configuration. There is no upper limit for the number of stamps on each configuration.
  • The SLA definitions - Like standard SLAs, each configuration can have up to three SLAs defined, at which point users will be notified if the chosen field matches the chosen state. For more information on what happens when an SLA is failed click here.
  • Auto-reassign - When enabled, automatically reassign to a specific user or queue when the selected SLA has failed.
    • Reassign from SLA - Which SLA criteria will cause the record to be reassigned if failed.
    • Reassign to - Select Queue or User (if available for the current object) and select which queue or user should receive the reassignment.
    • Field to Update - Optionally, Distribution Engine can update up to three fields with new values on reassignment.
    • Toggle user off - Optionally, Distribution Engine can toggle users off when a record gets reassigned.

Multiple Matching Stamps

If a record has multiple matching stamps (from a stamp group that allows multiple stamps), then the highest priority SLA configuration will be used. To re-order SLA configurations, select 'Reorder SLA configurations'.

Distributor Settings

In order for Stamp SLAs to be utilized for a Distributor, you must enable SLAs for that Distributor. You can do this by going to the 'Distributor Settings' tab and clicking the row for the appropriate Distributor. This will open the side panel where you can enable both SLAs and Auto reassign for that distributor.

How did we do?

Auto Reassign

Tracked Assignees
