Permission Set Overview

This page provides an overview of the permissions granted by each Permission Set in Distribution Engine. 


​Distribution Engine Community User​

Distribution Engine User​

​Distribution Engine Team Manager​

Distribution Engine System Manager

Distribution Engine Admin


Record Detail Component

Manual Assignment

✔ Only teams they manage

Console - Application Monitoring

Console - Today's Distributions

Console - Sources

Console - Calendar

Classifier - Territories

Classifier - Lead Matching

Classifier - Auto-conversion

Classifier - Custom Classification

Classifier - Backfill

Assignment Simulator

Team List

✔ Only teams they manage

Team - Home

Team - Team Members

Team - Availability

Team - Performance

Team - Distributors

Team - Weighting and Caps

✔ Team level capping and weighting only

Team - Distribution Hours

✔ Cannot enable/disable Shift Planner

Team - Tracking & SLAs

Team - Assignment Rejection

Team - Post Assignment

Team - Team Settings

Tags - Collections

Tags - Assign

✔ Team members from teams they manage only

Object Sync

Availability - Out of Office

✔ Personal only

✔ Personal only

✔ Team members from teams they manage only

Availability - Holidays

✔ Read only

Availability - Shifts

✔ Read only

Logs - Distribution

✔ Personal only

✔ Personal only

✔ Only teams they manage

Logs - Territories

Logs - Lead Matching

Logs - Auto-conversion

Logs - Object Sync

Logs - Scheduler

Logs - Archive



Settings - Advanced

Settings - Licensed Users

Settings - Export/Import

How did we do?


Custom Permissions
