Distribution Console

Console Introduction

The Distribution Console allows managers and admins to monitor Distribution Engine activity. It consists of four consoles: Application Monitoring - An overview of the current system status for the sc…


Application Monitoring

The application monitoring console page displays the current system status of Distribution Engine and its four major running components: The scheduler , responsible for distributing records. The heal…


Today's Distributions

The Today's Distributions page shows today's statistics for each team. This can be used to monitor distribution rates and to view any distribution or availability concerns. Columns. The following col…


Sources Console

The sources console page displays each distributor and the current depth of their source. This will show how many records in total are available in the source, and how many of those are able to be di…


Availability Calendar

The availability calendar console page gives a month by month overview of the availability of your teams, so you can see who's working when, and if there are any gaps in your schedule.. The calendar…

