
Territories Introduction

The Distribution Engine territory classifier is used to simplify your assignment logic by cleaning messy address data and stamping your records with simple territory values. I

Charlie Jenkins
Updated by Charlie Jenkins

Create a Map

To use the Distribution Engine territories you'll first need to create a map. From the map builder, you can select countries, states, or zip codes to create geographic groups called territories. Each…


Import Territories

If you already have a document that includes your territories you can use that to import them instead of manually creating territories. If you are unfamiliar with creating a map , make sure to read t…


Territory Map Zoom Levels

The available items and “zoom" levels to select from will be continually updated as requirements come in by customer demand. When creating a new territory the starting point will always be the worldv…


Object Settings

In order to have Distribution Engine automatically assign territories to your records, we need to tell the system which objects will use territories. To do this, we will select the objects and assign…


Detecting Territories

Your records may not always have complete or consistent types of address data. To help resolve this issue Distribution Engine has the ability to detect the country and state a record is from using a…



Territory Processing. The territories processing field enables and disables territories processing on the org. This must be enabled before any territory classification occurs. Default State/Zip/Posta…


Territories - Technical Details

Distribution Engine creates a related Distribution Engine Detail object record that is populated with the territory as new records are created or old records are backfilled. You can create formula fi…


Territory Distributor

To use the territories to assign records you'll need to create or update a distributor to include a territory filter. To do this you'll need to have a team with team members. Click here to learn more…

