Territory Map Zoom Levels

This feature is available on the Advanced & Unlimited Tiers. Learn more

The available items and “zoom" levels to select from will be continually updated as requirements come in by customer demand. When creating a new territory the starting point will always be the worldview where countries can be selected. From there, items with a green outline can be zoomed into by either double-clicking or by right-clicking to choose what level to zoom to. At the moment the following levels are available:

  • Australia -> States → Postal (area) -> Postal (4 digits) 
  • Canada -> States -> Postal (forward sortation area)
  • France -> Postal (region, 2 digits) -> Postal (5 digits)
  • Germany -> Postal (region, 2 digits) -> Postal (5 digits)
  • UK (default zoom) -> Postal (postcode area, 1/2 digits) -> Postal (outward code, 2-4 digits) 
  • UK (via right-click) -> States (counties and unitary authorities)
  • USA -> States -> Postal (sectional center facility, 3 digits) -> Postal (5 digits)

For the UK postal codes, Northern Ireland is not included in the map due to licencing restrictions, but can be added via the import.

For the New Zealand postal codes, due to licensing restrictions, they are not included in the map but can be added via the import.


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