Purchasing Steps

If you would like to convert your free trial into an active system please follow the steps below.

  • Request quote - contact us and let us know which app you want to purchase and how many licenses you need and we will provide a quote for you. Pricing FAQs are on our website here: https://nc-squared.com/pricing/
  • Accept quote - we need written confirmation (Email is fine) that you accept the quote. At this stage we will also ask for you to provide the following details:
    • A PO number if applicable
    • Payment method - wire transfer (preferred), credit card or cheque. Please note, credit card purchases are only available for orders under $10,000. Cheque payments may result in a delay in activating your licenses.
    • Invoice contact - where should we Email your invoice e.g. an accounts payable Email address (we will also CC you on any invoices)
  • License activation - On receipt of quote acceptance your licenses will be fully activated (no downtime or loss of any configuration). We will also issue the invoice. This will be payable 30 days from receipt.
Licenses can be added at any time by contacting [email protected]. Alternatively, for Distribution Engine only, you can complete the form on the Licensed Users page.
All added licenses will be prorated to your next contract renewal date. License counts can only be lowered during contract renewal.  

License Agreement

Installation of a trial includes a step to accept our end user license agreement - EULA. A copy of which is available here.


Pricing FAQs

Please find our frequently asked questions for pricing below:

Booking Engine Purchase FAQ

Distribution Engine Purchase FAQ

For any other queries contact us at [email protected]


How did we do?

Distribution Engine - Purchasing FAQ
