Object Sync Logs List

The Object Sync Logs page shows all of the logs for the object sync feature.

The object sync logs display the following information about each sync:

Date:  The date and time of the sync

Name: The name of the record being processed. Click the name to navigate to the record

Status: Displays the status of the sync:

  • If an error occurs
  • If the record is skipped as there are no appropriate actions

Object: Displays the object type of the synced record

Number of Actions: Displays how many actions occurred for the sync action

Team: The team that distributed the record

Assignee: The assignee that received the record


Sidepanel Fields:

Actions Performed: This shows which related object types were updated and how many records were synced overall, if any, during the sync action


How did we do?

Auto-Conversion Logs List

Scheduler Logs List
