Frequently Asked Questions

Legacy Widget - New status

There is a "New" indicator on the widget and on the Distribution Logs tab. What counts as New here? New includes recent assignments which have not yet been modified. Recent includes today and previou…


Distribution Engine Aborted

The Distribution Engine runs a Salesforce job to monitor your queues. If the job has stopped you will see an error on Distribution Console and Distribution Settings tabs. Some reasons for the schedul…


Alerts not Firing

Distribution alerts are raised where specified deadlines are missed. However, its important to note that only active records are monitored for alerting. So if your Lead / Case is no longer in an acti…


Distribution Engine Delayed

If Distribution Engine is scheduled to run but Salesforce is not starting the jobs you will see a delayed message on the Distribution Console. This delay is caused problems in the underlying Salesfor…


Can one Distributor Assign from Multiple Queues / Users?

Each distributor can only assign from a single queue or user. This has a couple of advantages 1. Its quick. Grabbing records from a specific owner is fast in Salesforce. For large customers with mill…


Can't See Distribution Engine

Classic. If you are an admin or a manager you should be able to see Distribtion Engine in the top right drop down list of applications. Lightning. If you are an admin or manager, you will be able to…


Distribution Engine Not Running

If you believe the Distribution Engine scheduler is not running you can check for the following issues: Distribution Settings - check in the Distribution Settings tab the Scheduler is turned on. Chec…


Manual Shutdown of Distribution Engine

You can stop and start the Distribution Engine from the Distribution Settings page. Its normal that while Distribution Engine is running you cannot shut down until its finish. However, if for any rea…


Exclude members from Holidays

Distribution Holidays shut down entire teams, you cannot exclude specific team members. You can use one of these alternative approaches: Add Out of office entries for each team member who is off. Use…


Distribution Engine Health Checker Restart

The Distribution Engine health checker runs hourly to ensure the main Distribution Engine scheduler is running correctly. If it finds the Distribution Engine scheduler is not running it will automati…


Dashboard Running User Error

When a new Dashboard is included in a managed package upgrade Salesforce doesn't automatically set the "View dashboard as" user. So you will see an error the first time you view the new dashboard: "E…


Assignments going to wrong user

If assignments are being made to a different user to the one you expected check the following: Did Distribubtion Engine make the assignment - sometimes records didn't get assigned at all or they didn…

