Owl Release Notes

Charlie Jenkins Updated by Charlie Jenkins

The Owl release of Distribution Engine includes support for the new Starter and Advanced features tiers. It also includes a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.

Install Instructions

Main Features





Support for feature tiers

The application has been enhanced to provide support for the new Starter and Advanced feature tiers.

Other Improvements





Distributor List - Sidepanel enhancements

Lookup fields have been added to distributor list side panel


Improvements to Zip code identification

USA zip codes in territories now recognise zip+4 codes without a dash


Auto-Conversion using Stamp Groups

Stamp groups can now be selected for auto-conversion rule filters


Health Checker - Sandbox expanded notifications

The health checker notification options in a sandbox now match other orgs, allowing the selection of admins, admins and managers or selected users

General UI

Allow URL type fields

Fields of type “URL” can now be selected in the following filters:

  • Team
  • Distributor
  • Team performance inclusion
  • Object sync related object

Lightning Widget & Record Details Component

Improved Error Messages

Our Lightning Web Components will now show a more informative error message when users don't have a managed package license.


Update OOO

An update out of office API method has been added which allows a single out of office entry to be updated

Defects Resolved




Distributors could be activated while there are pending changes, resulting in unsaved changes being lost.


The help link on the Delay filters page was broken.


Some pages were showing an incorrect text highlight colour.


Occasional visual issues on the edit shift modal have been resolved.

Shifts - Change History

Updated the history of shift hour changes to display in the same format as the rest of the application.


Distribution could fail when calling the Classify Records API from a flow that was triggered from a change made during Distribution.

Campaign Filters

Copy icon was unintentionally shown on the campaign filter.


Resolved an issue with “does not include” conditions using related multi-picklist fields that meant records weren’t returned when the related object doesn’t exist.


Resolved an issue for picklist field filters using “not in” that could show that more than one value is selected.


Resolved an issue where team-level caps on teams with only pull distributors weren’t counting correctly.


Resolved issue with width of menu column in tag collection data table.

General UI

Resolved styling issues that were introduced with the Summer release of Salesforce.

General UI

Resolved styling in some of the modals that caused additional white space to be present and therefore an unnecessary scrollbar.

General UI

User avatars were sometimes not displayed.

Lightning Widget & Record Details Component

Fixed links in the Widget and Record Details Lightning Web Components so that they can be opened in new tabs/windows

How did we do?

Owl upgrade instructions
